The Cas pratique de l’ AFA
Relying upon professionals and practioners of arbitration, AFA, whose one of the vocations is the promotion of the arbitration, offers training sessions concerning arbitration using three formulas :
After work de l’ AFA, Cas pratique de l’ AFA and Rendez-vous de l’ AFA
L’arbitrage est aujourd’hui un outil privilégié de règlement des litiges. La connaissance de ses textes et de sa jurisprudence est importante comme la maîtrise de sa pratique. Aussi l’ AFA vous propose de participer, en nombre restreint, à un groupe de travail auquel il sera soumis un cas pratique à traiter, depuis sa naissance jusqu’à sa solution par le prononcé d’une sentence.
Cette formation interactive s’adresse aux avocats, experts, juristes, chefs d’entreprise, magistrats, professeurs ou toute autre profession : arbitres, conseils ou parties à l’arbitrage.
Le prochain Cas pratique de l’ AFA se tiendra les lundi 18 et mardi 19 novembre prochain à Paris.
Il sera animée par : Marc Henry, Président de l’AFA, Denis Bensaude, avocat aux barreaux de Paris et New York, Christophe Dugué, avocat au barreau de Paris, Pierre Duprey, avocat au barreau de Paris, Antoine Fourment, avocat aux barreaux de Paris et Bruxelles, Laurence Kiffer, avocat au barreau de Paris, Detlev Kuehner, avocat aux barreaux de Paris et Stuttgart, Noël Mélin, Secrétaire Général de l’AFA, Bertrand Moreau, avocat au barreau de Paris, Ali Zarrouk, avocat au barreau de Paris et Roland Ziade, avocat aux barreaux de Paris, Beyrouth et New York.
- Acquisition de connaissances
- Adaptation de compétences existantes
- Partage de pratiques professionnelles
- Apport de connaissances théoriques
- Apport de connaissances méthodologiques
- Temps d’échanges / débat avec les intervenants
C’est ce que l’ AFA offre aux participants à sa formation dans le cadre de cet arbitrage simulé. Les connaissances et compétences acquises serviront ensuite de référence pour toute forme d’arbitrage.

18 & 19 novembre 2019
De 8 heures 30 à 18 heures
Maison du BarreauSalle Gaston Monnerville
2, rue de Harlay 75001 Paris
Adhérents AFA et IEAM : 1.000 €
Non adhérents : 1.200 €
Validation 16 heures au titre de la formation continue EFB
Tél. 01 84 60 62 04
Note to lawyers
As arbitration has become a privileged tool to resolve disputes, especially in the international field lawyers have to master this activity to offer arbitration services to their clients. And given his academic background the lawyer is the most qualified professional to act as a counsel or an advisor.
Although knowing both arbitration case study and legal texts is important, the first step to start arbitration is to participate in a procedure. This is exactly what the AFA in-depth training provides thanks to its working group. This group is aimed at working on a case from its very beginning to the final stage, ie the sentencing.
Within a 3-4 member team and being successively a counsel, an arbitrator then a counsel again, each participant sets up each of the procedure/process and writes all documents pertaining to an arbitration procedure.
Such workshops make the lawyer familiar with all aspects of arbitration : the particularities of the arbitration procedures, the process of arbitrators’ nomination, the arbitration competence, the practice of legal submissions and the drafting of the award. The skills acquired within this/these simulated procedure/case studies/workshops, will enable the lawyer to intervene efficiently in all kinds of arbitration procedures.
The AFA institutional arbitration procedure has been elected for this formation as it is recognized for its efficiency, its professional environment and enables its participants to embrace all aspects of arbitration, from the various points of views : parties, counsels, arbitrators and institution.
This interactive training helps the lawyer fully play its part of the fulland provide the added value expertise expected by his clients.